Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hello. Long time, no post.

I am preparing to weave something and I felt the need to document my journey. It has been years since I have done it and I have to take an old, failed project off my rigid heddle loom. It's a little bittersweet... I had meant it to be a baby blanket for Little Michael but I chose a yarn that wasn't strong enough for the warp so some of the warp ends were breaking and the entire thing just started feeling saggy and lost some of its integrity while I was messing with it in frustration.

So... in true "me" form, I put it aside out of anger and haven't touched it for years. Literally. Little Michael will be 4-and-a-half soon.

I am going to take a picture of the loom with its saggy fabric to post to this blog as a record of sorts before I do a hem-stitch and cut it off the loom. And the battery to my digital Rebel is dead (because it, too, hasn't been used in a very long time) so I am going to wait until tomorrow to do all this.

I will be back to post soon. Really. :)

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