Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Update Just Before Bed

Well, my evening was a whole lot less enjoyable than I figured it would be. Got over to the my Ashford dealer's house and swapped the 16" loom for the brand-new, still-in-the-box-from-New-Zealand 24" rigid heddle loom. With errands, and dinner, and schoolwork that had to be done it became too late for me even put the first coat of lacquer on the wood. Boo. :(

I'm pretty bummed.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Prewash Dimensions

Well, I've spread it all out on the carpet and it actually isn't acting too badly. The selvedges aren't puckering or anything so it gives me hope that after the washing and possible ironing it will chill out and be a flat piece of fabric.

Me? Shed? What?

Was trying to get a good picture of it but it's just too late and my house is too dark... or I'm too tired... or something.

59" x 9.5" and 3" fringe

I did this on the 16" Ashford Rigid Heddle that I got by accident from the dealer. I actually paid for a 24" and I should be getting it tomorrow. More lacquering and constructing before I can warp again.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Well, it's done...

...and cut off the loom, and the fringe is knotted... and it looks just as 3rd grade as I figured it would... and it's itchy because of the wool... and the selvages are pulling on each side because I didn't have paper wide enough for the project and the warp threads on the outsides were just on the beam.

Ah, well... I'm going to wash it and iron it when it's dry... we'll see if that takes care of it. If not, I've got my quirky, rather ugly scarf that I originally was going to dub "Highly Imperfect" but now I think I will just call it "F-ugly".


Will post a pic once it's done and ironed to the best it's ever going to be.

Now... contemplating what the next warp will be...........

Monday, February 18, 2008

Back to it today...

Hopefully today I will complete the weaving on this first project, finish it, and then start on the next one. I'm a little frustrated/disappointed with this one... not only is the eyelash yarn in the warp so tangle-prone that I have to use my fingers to undo each strip before I can run the reed forward or back or run the shuttle through but the knots are created in front of and in back of the reed... one of the warps broke... yeah... I'm a little daunted but I'm not giving up. At the very least, I will have a not-so-pretty, quirky scarf to look at and remember what not to do. And I'm really looking forward to see how much faster a properly warped project will go! :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's for sure...

...I will never, EVER use eyelash yarn for a warp again!

So far...


Not too bad... though the grey is much more dismal than I'd expected and the "eyelash" feature really isn't working out very well because I didn't have the patience to hand-pick them out as I wove.

First Lesson Learned

DON'T use eyelash yarn in the warp!

I've got it figured out and it's not going too badly, but, wow... what a lot of work to create the shed! :(

On the bright side, everything I do after this will be a piece of cake! :D

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My First Warp

Well... I've put together the loom and taken the plunge. I've learned a few things about color. The color combinations I might like when looking at yarn skeins being held together might not thrill me when warped next to each other on the loom. Guess that isn't the most wondrous discovery ever made but still eye-opening for me.

A scarf.

I'm creating it as I go and modifying it as I warp it.

When I bought the loom from a local dealer, I also bought "The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving". Rowena Hart is the author of this book and she speaks wonderfully about color and how the choices are literally endless and completely up to my own fancy. I'm not trying the multi-colored Colour and Weave scarf project yet because it takes 6 colors of wool yarn and I didn't have the funds or the color selection available at the store I went to to allow myself to do it.

- Woolease (80% acrylic, 20% wool) in Color 152 Oxford Grey
- Sensations Cello (100% polyester) in Color 14 Cello Space Yarn Dark Multi

My First Warp

I figure since all of the projects say that when you wash the finished piece it fulls the threads a bit and closes the gaps when using wool yarn then I am going to have to weave this a bit tighter initially since I'm sure it isn't going to shrink much when it's done.

1. Has anyone out there woven with man-made fibers? If so, how did it turn out?
2. Notice how the eyelash yarn is sagging below the Woolease... that indicates stretch, right? Is that going to adversely affect my finished piece?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Got the first coat of lacquer on the wood, finally... I wish they had finished it at the factory... would be less waiting! :(

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

(a transplant from my other blog)

Finally!! My birthday present!!! Only four months late!! Yay!

Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom (second row, first one)